By Gershon Ben Keren,Miki Assulin
Krav Maga is the legitimate self-defense procedure of the Israeli safety Forces, and has been battle-tested via police, militia, inner most safety group of workers and security-minded participants worldwide for 60 years. Krav Maga teaches you ways to speedy dimension up a deadly state of affairs and neutralize your attackers ahead of they achieve the higher hand.
This martial arts publication is stuffed with examples of real-world life-threatening occasions, and in every one case the transparent, step by step photos and textual content illustrate an efficient solution—showing you the way to disrupt your attacker's process, disarm them, harm or spoil their skill to hurt you, and disengage speedy so that you can flow to a safer place.
Krav Maga Tactical Survival covers the subsequent crucial techniques:
- top physique Combatives (hammer-fist moves, hook punches, head-butts, entrance kicks and more)
- De-escalation techniques
- Spoiling knife and firearm draws
- Neutralizing knife and firearm attacks
- facing unarmed assaults (clothing grabs, chokes and undergo hugs)
- Executing pick-ups and throws
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Krav Maga Tactical Survival: Personal Safety in Action. Proven Solutions for Real Life Situations by Gershon Ben Keren,Miki Assulin
by Donald