Teri Dunn Chace,Robert Llewellyn's Seeing Seeds: A Journey into the World of Seedheads, Pods, PDF

By Teri Dunn Chace,Robert Llewellyn

“Llewellyn’s photographs mirror a intensity of aspect that earlier, in simple terms the easiest botanical illustrators might approach.” —The Washington Post

A centuries-old announcing is going, “Great oaks from little acorns grow.” yet as this remarkable booklet unearths, there's even more to a seed than the plant it's going to sometime turn into: seeds, seedheads, pods, and culmination have their very own astonishing attractiveness that opponents, and infrequently even surpasses, the great thing about plant life. sour melon seeds resemble a handful of rubies. Poppy pods may well be paintings nouveau salt shakers. And butterfly vine seeds glance precisely like these smooth bugs captured in mid-flight. 

Seeds additionally include interesting tales. Jewels of Opar received its identify from a fabled urban in Edgar Rice Burroughs’s Tarzan tales. Lotus seeds despatched into orbit via chinese language scientists got here again to earth mysteriously altered. And fava beans—beloved of foodies—have a Jekyll-and-Hyde character: they could reason the debilitating referred to as favism in a few contributors and even as strive against the microorganism that motives malaria.

In those beautiful pages you’ll achieve an knowing of the way seeds are shaped and dispersed, why they appear the way in which they do, and the way they healthy into the surroundings. Seeing Seeds will take you to unusual and lovely areas. in the event you go back, it’s secure to claim that you’ll by no means examine a seed an analogous method again.

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Seeing Seeds: A Journey into the World of Seedheads, Pods, and Fruit (Seeing Series) by Teri Dunn Chace,Robert Llewellyn

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