Download PDF by Isaak D Mayergoyz: Plasmon Resonances in Nanoparticles (World Scientific Series

By Isaak D Mayergoyz

This exact quantity offers a huge creation to plasmon resonances in nanoparticles and their novel purposes. right here, plasmon resonances are taken care of as an eigenvalue challenge for particular boundary imperative equations and common actual homes of plasmon spectrum are studied intimately. The coupling of incident radiation to express plasmon modes, the time dynamics in their excitation and dephasing also are analytically taken care of. eventually, the purposes of plasmon resonances to SERS, mild controllability (gating) of plasmon resonances in semiconductor nanoparticles, using plasmon resonances in thermally assisted magnetic recording (TAMR), in addition to in all-optical magnetic recording and for enhancement of magneto-optic results are presented.


  • Introduction:
    • What are Plasmon Resonances?
    • Dispersion Relations
    • Overview of publication Contents
  • Modal research of Plasmon Resonances in Nanoparticles:
    • Plasmon Resonances as an Eigenvalue Problem
    • Dual Formulation
    • General houses of Plasmon Spectrum
    • Plasmon Resonances in Nanoshells
    • Relation to the Riemann Hypothesis
  • Analytical and Numerical research of Plasmon Resonances:
    • Some Analytical recommendations for Plasmon Modes
    • Numerical thoughts for the research of Plasmon Modes
    • Numerical Examples
    • Universal Numerical strategy for the answer of Boundary indispensable Equations
    • Absorbing Boundary stipulations for Finite-Difference Time-Domain research of Scattering Problems
  • Radiation Corrections, Excitation of Plasmon Modes and Selective Applications:
    • Perturbation Technique
    • First- and Second-Order Radiation Corrections
    • Analysis of Extinction move Section
    • Coupling of Plasmon Modes to Incident Radiation, Time-Dynamics in their Excitation and Dephasing
    • Selective purposes of Plasmon Resonances

Readership: Graduate scholars and researchers in plasmon resonances in nanoparticles.

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Plasmon Resonances in Nanoparticles (World Scientific Series in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology) by Isaak D Mayergoyz

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