Read e-book online Mini Farming: Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre PDF

By Brett L. Markham

Mini Farming describes a holistic method of small-area farming that may enable you to produce eighty five percentage of a typical family’s nutrition on only a region acre—and earn $10,000 in funds every year whereas spending below part the time that a normal task will require. whether you might have by no means been a farmer or a gardener, this publication covers every thing you want to comprehend to start: procuring and saving seeds, beginning seedlings, constructing raised beds, soil fertility practices, composting, facing pest and sickness difficulties, crop rotation, farm making plans, and lots more and plenty extra. simply because self-suf?ciency is the target, topics similar to elevating yard chickens and residential canning also are lined in addition to various tools for retaining charges down and construction excessive. fabrics, instruments, and methods are specified with photos, tables, diagrams, and illustrations.

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Mini Farming: Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre by Brett L. Markham

by Michael

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