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By C. Mileto,F. Vegas,L. García Soriano,V. Cristini

Earthen structure is frequent worldwide and demonstrates an important richness of types either in software and in fabrics used. This e-book discusses and debates the teachings that may be discovered from earthen structure to create sustainable structure at the present time, either for the conservation of conventional current constructions and the layout and building of recent ones. It offers with the research of earthen structure all over the world that allows you to defend our earthen equipped history and proposes those development concepts as a sustainable choice for development a brand new structure of the future.

Earthen structure: earlier, current and Future could be a worthwhile resource of knowledge for lecturers and pros within the fields of Civil Engineering, building and development Engineering and Architecture.

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Earthen Architecture: Past, Present and Future by C. Mileto,F. Vegas,L. García Soriano,V. Cristini

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