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By Axel Zerdick,Arnold Picot,Klaus Schrape,Alexander Artope,Klaus Goldhammer,Ulrich T. Lange,Eckart Vierkant,Esteban Lopez-Escobar,Roger Silverstone,ECC) European Communication Council

E-conomics offers readers with a roadmap to the panorama of the recent net financial system and serves as a connection with the economics of the data age. Written by way of verbal exchange economists and specialists within the media company from the U.S. and Europe, this publication offers an in-depth research of the net revolution displaying how the foundations of industrial have replaced. It takes the eu telecommunications as a focus and lines options for a winning community economic system. E-conomics is key interpreting for economists, managers, and enterprise strategists requiring an knowing of the dynamics of digital commerce.

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E-CONOMICS: Strategies for the Digital Marketplace (European Communication Council Report) by Axel Zerdick,Arnold Picot,Klaus Schrape,Alexander Artope,Klaus Goldhammer,Ulrich T. Lange,Eckart Vierkant,Esteban Lopez-Escobar,Roger Silverstone,ECC) European Communication Council

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