Yun-tao Ma's Biomedical Acupuncture for Sports and Trauma Rehabilitation PDF

By Yun-tao Ma

Written via generally revered acupuncture professional Yun-tao Ma, PhD, LAc, Biomedical Acupuncture for activities and Trauma Rehabilitation shows options that may increase athletic functionality, speed up restoration after extensive exercises, and velocity trauma rehabilitation after accidents or surgical procedures. Evidence-based examine is used to aid the easiest and most excellent strategies, with over a hundred illustrations displaying anatomy, harm, and medical tactics. not like many different acupuncture books, this e-book makes use of a Western method of provide help to comprehend rationales, grasp options, and combine biomedical acupuncture into your practice.

"Finally, a well-referenced, logic method of dry needling in activities medication that discusses upkeep, overtraining, and the influence of the tension reaction in athletes. it is a long-awaited publication that might go away you feeling pleased with a method that's very priceless not just for athletes, yet for all sufferers of your practice."

Rey Ximenes, MD

The discomfort and rigidity administration Center

Austin, Texas

"For any clinician concerned with helping athletes get over damage, in addition to supplying prone to augment actual functionality, this article is going to be imperative. This ebook is an enormous accomplishment within the box of activities damage and therapy of musculoskeletal and neurological pain."

Mark A. Kestner, DC, FIAMA, CCSP, CSCS

Kestner Chiropractic & Acupuncture Center

Murfreesboro, Tennessee

  • Unique! Explores acupuncture remedies for activities injuries within the acute part, rehabilitation, and prevention.
  • Includes acupuncture for functionality enhancement and damage prevention, emphasizing pre-event acupuncture used to assist bring up muscle output, support with pre-competition pressure, and forestall tender tissue injury.
  • Provides evidence-based research to teach the technological know-how in the back of the easiest and optimal innovations, according to the author’s history in neuroscience and telephone biology and his 35 years of medical acupuncture event.
  • Offers an evaluation of the technological know-how of biomedical acupuncture together with the mechanisms of acupuncture, anatomy and body structure of acupoints, and dialogue of human therapeutic potential.
  • Uses terminology and ideas customary to Western-trained health and wellbeing professionals, making the cloth more straightforward to appreciate and include into practice.
  • Includes more than a hundred illustrations exhibiting anatomy, damage, and scientific procedures.
  • Covers useful techniques together with those who raise muscle strength output, joint flexibility and balance; hinder activities accidents like muscle sprain, tendonitis, bone pressure, stress/fatigue fracture and bone spurs; toughen muscle output for particular activities; normalize body structure of dysfunctional tender tissues; are expecting therapy reaction; lessen physiological tension; use the recent Vacuum treatment for deep tissue dysfunctions; and stability the biomechanics of musculoskeletal system.

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Biomedical Acupuncture for Sports and Trauma Rehabilitation E-Book: Dry Needling Techniques by Yun-tao Ma

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