Download e-book for kindle: Advanced Water Injection for Low Permeability Reservoirs: by Ran Xinquan

By Ran Xinquan

Concise and readable, Water Injection For Low Permeability Reservoirs offers operators with the right kind workflow platforms and engineering strategies for designing, making plans and imposing  water injection structures that might increase restoration elements. whilst utilized in low permeability or ultra-low permeability reservoirs, water injection is among the low-budget equipment for making sure greatest construction premiums. This e-book presents either theoretical research and useful instances for designing and comparing water injection structures and figuring out key construction variables enthusiastic about making particular predictions for oil and water generating charges, water injection premiums, and restoration efficiency.

This booklet basically explains the features of ultra-low permeability reservoirs and linear move theories. those issues are then utilized to layout and implementation. program circumstances of 4 oilfields are integrated to assist advance strategies whereas illustrating the correct workflow for making sure waterflooding functionality research and optimization. The booklet can be utilized as a reference for box technical team of workers, or as technical help for the administration personnel.

  • Discusses features of low and ultra-low permeability reservoirs and linear stream theories
  • Provides special examinations of facets reminiscent of tension sensitivity, fracturing timing, and nonlinear stream theory
  • Describes layout and implementation of complicated waterflooding systems
  • Includes genuine case experiences from 4 oilfields

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Advanced Water Injection for Low Permeability Reservoirs: Theory and Practice by Ran Xinquan

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