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By Michael Schemmann

the worldwide monetary quandary of 2007 to maybe 2012 -- or at any time when the process is ultimately mounted -- is blamed at the credit standing businesses usual & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch who qualified swimming pools of sub-prime mortgages as funding grade, on company psychopaths who took over Wall road (the BBC’s most modern of three January 2012), the absence of banking supervision and capital inadequacy, all of which i think is especially a lot inappropriate that turns the problem that our worldwide economy is kaput due to a false impression of what's cash of the standard of felony soft, now not bank-created issues referred to as cash, euros, yen and so forth. categorised as call for deposits that masquerade as liquid cash, and are every thing else yet cash. Thomas Jefferson, Irving Fisher, John Maynard Keynes, John Kenneth Galbraith are brought up and may agree -- and that i think Mervyn Allister King, the current long-serving Governor of the financial institution of England.

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Accounting Perversion in Bank Financial Statements - Root Cause of the Ongoing Global Financial Crisis by Michael Schemmann

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