Download e-book for iPad: A Tooth from the Tiger's Mouth: How to Treat Your Injuries by Tom Bisio

By Tom Bisio

A popular specialist in chinese language activities medication and martial arts finds old japanese secrets and techniques for therapeutic universal accidents, together with sprains, bruises, deep cuts, and masses more.

For centuries, chinese language martial arts masters have saved their hugely prized treatments as conscientiously guarded secrets and techniques, calling such priceless and robust wisdom "a the teeth from the tiger's mouth." Now, for the 1st time, those deeply powerful equipment are published to Westerners who wish other ways to regard the intense and protracted accidents skilled by means of any energetic person.

While many books define the preferred teachings of conventional chinese language drugs, in basic terms this one bargains step by step directions for treating accidents. professional practitioner and martial artist Tom Bisio explains the entire diversity of therapeutic recommendations and gives a chinese language first-aid equipment to assist the reader totally get over each mishap: cuts, sprains, breaks, dislocations, bruises, muscle tears, tendonitis, and masses more.

He teaches readers how to:

  • Examine and diagnose injuries

  • Prepare and follow natural formulas

  • Assemble a conveyable package for emergencies

  • Fully recover with strengthening routines and therapeutic nutritional advice

Comprehensive and straightforward to keep on with, with drawings to demonstrate either the therapy thoughts and the strengthening workouts, this specific guidebook will provide readers entire entry to the strong therapeutic secrets and techniques of the nice chinese language warriors.

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A Tooth from the Tiger's Mouth: How to Treat Your Injuries with Powerful Healing Secrets of the Great Chinese Warrior (Fireside Books (Fireside)) by Tom Bisio

by Brian

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